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Changed procedure for foreign students
The MMPA applies to foreign students who want to obtain a Dutch residence permit. You need a Dutch residence permit if you will be living in The Netherlands for more than 3 months. If you already live in The Netherlands these new rules also apply for you in order to maintain your residence permit.
If you are a student at DAE the academy is the ‘sponsor’ that can submit residency applications on behalf of her foreign students. In order to obtain the residence permit the following rules apply:
  • Every study year at DAE a foreign student has to be able to show a substantial study progress. This means that you have to obtain 30 ECTS-credits every year you study at the academy.
  • For the bachelor education you can get a Dutch residence permit as a DAE student for 4 years plus 1 additional year.
  • For the master education you can get a Dutch residence permit as a DAE student for 2 years plus 1 additional year.
Should you fail to obtain 30 ECTS-credits in one study year there is the possibility for the dean of the DAE to lodge an appeal for your specific case. If this appeal is granted, you can receive an extended time period of 1 year maximum, to reach the sufficient amount of credits. An appeal for extension can only be given once in your entire student career at the DAE!
June 1st 2013 the Modern Policy Act will enter into effect. For more information see:
Published: 14-May-2013 15:28


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  • Modern Migration Policy Act

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