

DAE at DesignBoost

Author: // 20-Oct-2011 13:01

You are hereby invited to be a part of DesignBoost - Dutch Design Beyond Design during Dutch Design Week at EVOLUON Noord Brabantlaan 1A., Eindhoven. Date: October 28th, 10.00 - 16.00 hrs.

Design beyond design is not just about minimising the negative impact on our environment. It is about looking at it from another, more pro-active angle – to work on maximising its positive impact. Consumers want brands that are not only purveyors of goods but agents for good.
Design beyond design is about blending different fields of thought to open up and develop new opportunitiies. This means changing the role of design and the designer through the use of hybrid thinking and multi-disciplinary actions.
Design beyond design looks to create an atmosphere in which outstanding creativity can flourish. Design beyond design means creating synergies for networking through sharing resources, knowledge and concepts.
Design beyond design is a shared challenge in which everyone has the potential to make
a difference.

”The objective of DESIGNBOOST - ”Dutch Design Beyond Design” is to make everybody question, reach awareness and think in new paths. Our world and our society are changing rapidly, which also means a changing role for design and the designer.
How can we with open-minded thinking and imagination put design in a human context and work on maximasing positive impact on all levels? When it comes to the future of
design there are probably many things that needs to be questioned, left could very well
be right. DESIGNBOOST – ”Dutch Design Beyond Design” will focus on Dutch design
and investigate how it will respond to the challenges of the future.”

DesignBoost - Dutch Design Beyond Design is a collaboration between Designboost, Premsela, Dutch Design Week, Design Academy Eindhoven and Evoluon

  • DAE at DesignBoost
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