

Symposium Design as Service

Author: // 24-Nov-2011 14:04

26 October, 2011
Conference Centre of TU/e

Report by Heather Daam, Adrian Madler and Danielle Arets

Is service design the outcome of big business based endeavors or grass root community organizations? The “Design as Service” symposium that took place at the Technical University Eindhoven on October 26th brought together members of industry with the educational and creative domain to look at the implications of this newly defined design field. Providing a new perspective in a discussion usually held within education. How can service oriented design a kin to the American version of ?social initiatives' work in practicality, for user centric products within the Netherlands?

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  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
  • Symposium Design as Service
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