
Bloeme Groenewold

Department: Man and Communication

Sense of Place

What: A new way of looking at the city; instead of mapping the built environment, Bloeme Groenewold registers people’s feelings towards their surroundings.

Why: How do the people in Eindhoven experience their city? Which emotions are attached to squares, bridges or buildings? Analysing these emotions could provide valuable information for urban planning and lead to more mutual understanding.

How: ‘Sense of Place’ has defined a shape and colour for ten different feelings: from a red triangle for fear to a green wave for ease or a purple arch for pride. Placed on the map of Eindhoven, they show interesting patterns of feelings in various parts of town.

“The city is full of emotions”

Copyright Design Academy Eindhoven

Copyright: Design Academy Eindhoven
Photographs: Iris Rijskamp