
Student Projects

Joong Han Lee

Department: Contextual Design

Haptic Intelligentia

Machines are increasingly taking over what was once made by man. Afraid that this development will cause craftsmanship to stand still while technology continues evolving, Joong Han Lee created a way for both areas to complement each other. “My objective is to regain the intimate hand-object relationship; finding a balance between craftsmanship and digital technology,” he says.
He developed an innovative production process that uses the latest computer wizardry to achieve a human finish. His Haptic Intelligentia project centres on haptic feedback; completely bypassing the screen-based interface we have become so dependent on. First, a particular design, such as a simple vase, is programmed into the computer. Then, using a tool to dispense the desired material, such as plastic or clay, you start making the object in 3D. Whenever you stray from the programmed shape, you physically feel an invisible obstacle when applying the tool, like a force field, nudging you in the right direction. This technology allows users to create directly and intuitively in the same way as a carpenter uses a hammer, rather than having to learn how to interact with an interface. In today’s world of conveyor-belt perfection, the system accommodates the imperfect. “Because people use their hands differently, the same vase will still remain unique,” Lee says.

Copyright Design Academy Eindhoven

Copyright: Design Academy Eindhoven
Photographs: Vincent van Gurp